Sunday, June 7, 2009


In this 3 days, i feel very happy and i want to thanks to all the committe, facilitators and helpers that brings a lot of fun in this camp so that i also can enjoy so much......
i knew a lot of friends inside the camp like issac, dudu, jodd, itara, etc.....
but in the last day of the camp i feel very disappointed to myself. why i my group members cannot enjoy this camp, is it my fault that i'm not good enough to bring the group's spirit up or i'm not good enough in communicate with them... i think most of the problems cannot blem them, i thinks is my fault that cannot bring my group well......i'm feel sorry to angeline also cause many things must depend on her, make her stress in the camp, and i'm so helpless. she say she actually want to leave the camp halve way but after that she decided to stay at camp. i don know what reasons that make her stay but i think she might worry about leaving the whole group for me to take care. I'm feel very sad now and i dont know what to do....
but any way, i still want to thanks all the committe, faci and the helpers that make this camp so fun and enjoying, and say sorry to angeline that i cannot bring a group well.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

对不起 。 谢谢

还有我想对band里的一些人说对不起,可能是因为我form4 太迟进band 所以会有人不满我,如果真的得罪你们,请多多包含。。。。。。万分的对不起
在这里我也想谢谢莫些人,他们在我面对困难时帮助我,他们就是pak hong,wei fatt and boon hoe。。。。。谢谢你们
其实还有几个人我想说声谢谢,其中一个就是wong ye chen。是他给我机会进回band,是他给我机会在band 里认识了朋友,是他给我机会学习音乐。。。所以我才会想谢谢他。可是我进band 以后,我们就比较少讲话了,不只是他,还有几个人都一样,不知道是不是他们是committe而我是member所以我们之间都有一个代沟。在这里我不是有什么不满,我只是想说我不希望我们因为这样而变的渐渐疏生。。。。。。怎样都好,我都要谢谢你们在band里面帮了我不少,教了我不少东西。。。。。万分的谢谢你们.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


1) 到INTI College读A-level(一年半)。
2) 到IMU 读药剂(Degree of Pharmacy)(四年〕。
3) 出来做工(一年到两年之间)。
4) 继续读药剂(Master of Pharmacy)(? 年)
5) 出来做工(可能一年到两年之间)。
* 有机会才做(人生很短,不知有没有机会做以下事情)
*6) 继续读药剂(PhD of pharmacy)(? 年)
*7) 读化学(Degree of Chemistry)(三年)
*8) 读电脑科技(? 年)
*9) 读音乐科系(? 年)